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Ferocactus stainesii

Ferocactus stainesii (Salm-Dyck) Britton & Rose (syn: Ferocactus pilosus) is a simple or clumping barrel/column cactus with thick red spines. In habitat plants often form into quite massive groups, with several subsidiary barrels growing from the main one, with deep green bodies densely covered with bright red spines up its entire length. Most plants have bright red spines with bristle-like, but in some populations the white bristles are occasionally absent.


Genus name Ferocactus: New Latin, from fero- (from Latin ferus wild, fierce) + cactus


Ferocactus stainesii

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  • Ferocactus stainesii comes in following Sizes:

    S - is ca. 14cm tall and comes in a ø 9 cm pot

    L - is ca. 25 cm tall and comes in a ø 17 cm pot

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