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Philodendron heterocraspedon

Philodendron heterocraspedon Croat & D.C.Bay is is characterized by its habit of growth, usually with most of the leaves clustered near the top of the stem, and long pendent leaf blades that have many arching primary lateral veins, markedly sunken adaxially. In addition, the petioles are deeply sulcate with one margin very acute and the other bluntly rounded (hence the epithet form the Greek compound ‘‘hetero’’ for differing and ‘‘craspedon’’ meaning edge or border). This Philodendron is usually hemiepiphytic, occasionally terrestrial. The is stem appressed-climbing or scandent. Laves are reflexed-spreading to pendent, mostly clustered at apex of stem. Petioles C-shaped in cross section, broadly sulcate at base with one margin sharply acute and the other bluntly rounded, becoming narrowly flattened at apex, dark green, finely striate, drying dark brown; geniculum terete, swollen, drying dark and slightly scurfy. Leaf blades oblong-elliptic, sub coriaceous, moderately bicolorous, long-acuminate at apex, truncate to obtuse or sometimes slightly cordulate at base. Adaxial surface semi glossy to velvety, dark green, drying dull dark reddish brown, abaxial surface semi glossy, paler, drying glossy and paler.


form the Modern Latin genus name Philodendron (Schott, 1830), form Greek philodendron, neuter of philodendrons "loving trees," form philo- "loving" (see philo-) + dendron "tree" (form PIE *der-drew-, form root *deru- "to be firm, solid, steadfast," also forming words for "wood, tree"). The plant so called because it clings to trees.

Philodendron heterocraspedon

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  • Philodendron heterocraspedon is ca. 40 cm tall and comes in a 17 cm pot.

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