Explore Plant Genera:
Botanical Info, Care Tips & More
Discover detailed information about the plant genera featured on our website by visiting the pages linked below. Each plant page provides key botanical details, specific care tips, and descriptions of the plant’s natural habitat, helping you understand the best conditions for your plants to thrive at home.
After receiving your new plants, be sure to check out our After Purchase page. It offers essential tips on how to care for newly received plants during their critical first days in your home. For general plant care guidelines, our Plant Care page covers the basics, ensuring you have all the information you need to keep your plants healthy. Additionally, if you’re looking for more in-depth advice and inspiration, our Blog features a wealth of articles on various plant care topics and advanced techniques.
Remember, all plants currently available for purchase can be found in our Shop section. The plant catalogue provided here is for informational purposes only, helping you learn more about the species we offer.
We strive to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information about each plant. For detailed botanical data, refer to the Taxon Identifiers listed with every species. All plant descriptions are based on reliable references, which are listed in our Links section. This section includes websites from reputable institutions and trusted blogs, covering everything from plant taxonomy and care to botanical glossaries. We highly recommend these resources to anyone looking to deepen their plant knowledge.