Astrophytum asterias cv. 'Suberkabuto' with its inimitable fuzzy epidermis is actually the most popular cactus cultivar. It is easily distinguished from the normal Astrophytum asterias by the epidermis, that does not have simple dots, but a mosaic of extensive white spots that make the plant look intensely maculate. The "Superkabuto" would (probably) come from a mutation that occurred in nature to just one field-collected individual A. asterias found in 1981 by the Japanese Mr. Masaomi Takeo in an American garden centre and sold to Tony Sato at a high price in Japan.
The genus Astrophytum is named for the Greek word astron, for “star plant”, as plants from this genus take on a star-like shape
Astrophytum asterias cv. 'Superkabuto'
Astrophytum asterias cv. 'Suberkabuto' is ca. 15 cm tall and comes in a ⌀ 6 cm pot.