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Hoya sp. ranauensis rare houseplant
  • Hoya ranauensis T.Green & Kloppenb is a beautiful, easy-to grow Hoya species. It has beautiful emerald green leaves with contrasting dark venation. Its flowers are finlaysonii-like and have a lemony, sweet, and spicy scent. Hoya ranauensis had been in the trade for two decades under the moniker of Hoya sp. Poring Hot Springs. It is named after the district of Eastern Sabah, Borneo where it was discovered.


    The genus was named in Modern Latin in honor of English gardener and botanist Thomas Hoy (c. 1750-1822).

    Hoya ranauensis

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    • Hoya ranauensis; comes in a ⌀ 6 cm pot and is ca 10 to 15 cm tall.

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