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Philodendron gloriosum dark form houseplants
  • This is the dark form of everyone's beloved Philodendron gloriosum. The velvety foliage shows much darker coloration, and so the contrast between leaf and venation is much higher and more striking. Philodendron gloriosum Andre a stunning soft-leaved aroid with a terrestrial habit. The leaves have velutinous appearance and feel. Stem is repent, creeping. Petioles are green in the lower part; upper part, midrib and primary lateral veins reddish, marked with longitudinal white striations, semiterete. Leaf blades thinly herbaceous, on the upper side the midrib and primary veins are pale and the margin is reddish, otherwise deep green, pale below, cordate-ovate.

    form the Modern Latin genus name Philodendron (Schott, 1830), form Greek philodendron, neuter of philodendrons "loving trees," form philo- "loving" (see philo-) + dendron "tree" (form PIE *der-drew-, form root *deru- "to be firm, solid, steadfast," also forming words for "wood, tree"). The plant so called because it clings to trees.

    Philodendron gloriosum dark form

    • Philodendron gloriosum dark form come in following sizes:

      S - is ca. 20 cm tall, in a ⌀ 9 cm pot

      M - is ca. 35 cm tall, in  a ⌀ 14 cm pot

      L - is ca. 40 cm tall and comes in a ⌀ 17 cm pot



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