Name: Alocasia longiloba 'Dragon's Tooth' (cultivar of
Alocasia longiloba Miq.)
Type: Bulb
form: Chamaephytes
Family: Araceae
Native Range (
Alocasia longiloba Miq.)
: China (S. Yunnan, Guangdong) to W. & Central Malaysia.
Zone: 11-12
Habitat: Tropical forests, thickets.
Height: 60 to 100 cm
Spread: 60 to 100 cm
Sun: Part shade
Water: Medium
Maintenance: Medium
Leaf: Evergreen
Tolerate: Semi Shade
Taxon identifiers (Alocasia longiloba Miq.): NCBI taxonomy ID : 363710 Plant List-ID : kew-6770 IPNI plant ID : 84195-1 Tropicos ID : 2100133 Encyclopedia of Life ID : 1097406 Flora of China ID : 200027139 Global Biodiversity Information Facility ID : 5329978 EPPO Code : ALDLG TAXREF ID : 705802 WCSPF ID : 6770 Plants of the World online ID : IRMNG ID : 10252152 iNaturalist taxon ID : 354277 World Flora Online ID : wfo-0000949355
Synonyms: = Alocasia amabilis W.Bull = Alocasia argyrea Mast. = Alocasia argyrea Sander ≡ Alocasia cochinchinensis Pierre = Alocasia cochinchinensis Pierre ex Engl. & K.Krause = Alocasia curtisii N.E.Br. = Alocasia cuspidata Engl. = Alocasia denudata Engl. = Alocasia denudata var. elongata Engl. = Alocasia eminens N.E.Br. = Alocasia gibba André = Alocasia grandis Clemenc. = Alocasia intermedia H.Laurentius = Alocasia korthalsii Schott = Alocasia leoniae Engl. & K.Krause = Alocasia longifolia Engl. & K.Krause = Alocasia lowii Hook.f. = Alocasia lowii var. grandis (Clemenc.) G.Nicholson = Alocasia lowii var. reticulata W.Bull = Alocasia lowii var. veitchii (Lindl.) Engl. ≡ Alocasia lucianii Pucci = Alocasia lucianii Pucci ex Rodigas = Alocasia pucciana André = Alocasia putzeysii N.E.Br. = Alocasia singaporensis Linden = Alocasia spectabilis Engl. & K.Krause = Alocasia thibantiana Mast. = Alocasia veitchii (Lindl.) Schott = Alocasia veitchii var. superba Veitch = Alocasia watsoniana Sander = Caladium lowii Lem. = Caladium veitchii Lindl.