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Alocasia zebrina houseplants
  • Alocasia zebrina Schott ex Van Houtte is named after its characteristic petiole: long (up to 1,2m), pale green in colour, streaked with darker green to brown stripes. The leaf blade is arrow-shaped (sagittate), and around 45 to 100 cm long. It is bisected at the base into two triangular to ovate lobes. It is a rich glossy green with a leathery texture.


    Genus name comes form the Greek words a meaning without and Colocasia the name of a closely allied genus, form which it was separated.

    Alocasia zebrina

    • Alocasia zebrina plants come in following sizes:

      baby (XS) - is ca. 30 cm tall and comes in a ø 7 cm pot

      S - is ca. 50 cm tall, and comes in a ø 14 cm pot

      M - is ca. ca. 65 cm tall, and comes in a ø 19 cm pot

      L - is ca. 80 cm tall, and comes in a ø 21 cm pot

      XL - is ca. 120 cm tall, and comes in a ø 24 cm pot

      XXL - is ca. 130 cm tall, and comes in a ø 32 cm pot

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