Dieffenbachia, a beloved houseplant genus, is renowned for its striking, large leaves that boast eye-catching patterns. The genus consists of a variety of species, each contributing to its popularity among indoor plant enthusiasts. With its lush foliage and ease of care, Dieffenbachia has become a staple in homes and offices worldwide. One of the most appealing aspects of the genus is the diversity it offers, from the common Dieffenbachia seguine to more unique cultivars like 'Camille' and 'Tropic Snow.'
The leaves of Dieffenbachia are its standout feature, often characterized by bold markings, from creamy whites to vibrant greens. These beautiful patterns and the plant's ability to thrive in low to moderate light make it an excellent choice for indoor spaces. While it may look exotic, it requires minimal care, which adds to its charm as a low-maintenance houseplant.
Popular among novice and seasoned plant lovers alike, Dieffenbachia adds a touch of elegance to any interior setting. With its ability to adapt to indoor environments, it’s no wonder this genus has become a go-to option for those looking to create a lush, tropical ambiance.
For more, visit our Blog or browse all currently available Dieffenbachia plants in our Shop.
Below, you will also find detailed descriptions and care instructions for many Dieffenbachia varieties.
Common names: Dumb Cane
Plant type: Herbaceous perennial
Family: Araceae
Native range: Central and South America
Hardiness zones: 10-12
Height and spread: 1-2 meters tall, 0.5-1 meter spread
Type species: Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacq.) Schott
Bloom time: Infrequent; small, inconspicuous flowers
Sun requirements: Indirect light
Watering needs: Moderate watering, allowing soil to dry between waterings
Soil type: Well-draining, peat-based mix
Toxicity: Toxic if ingested; keep away from pets and children