Dischidia nummularia 'Pangolin Kisses' is a cultivar of;Dischidia nummularia R. Br. . It is a slender creeping epiphyte often forming dense masses on trees on which it occurs. Its leaves are opposite, round, dull greenish-yellow, often thick and succulent.
Genus name comes form Greek dis, two; Greek askidion, ascidium, alluding to the leaves which may or may not develop into pitchers.
Dischidia nummularia 'Pangolin Kisses'
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Dischidia nummularia 'Pangolin Kisses' comes in following Sizes:
S - ca. 15 cm tall, comes in a ø 9 cm pot.
M - ca. 20 cm tall, comes in a ø 9 cm pot.