Euphorbia lactea 'White (or Grey) Ghost' is a striking and very popular cultivar of Euphorbia lactea Haw. lacking in most of the chlorophyll bearing tissues of its green counterpart. This Euphorbia doesn't even look like a real plant and has an overall creamy white or greyish coloration. Triangular stems grow in dense candelabra form with distinctive silhouette and grow up to over 3 metres. Very good in dry indoor situations, it is a much hardier plant than usually listed that does fine on its own roots. It is a relatively slow grower, at least compared to the 'regular' form of Euphorbia lactea.
Genus name probably honors Euphorbus, physician to the King of Mauretania.
Euphorbia lactea 'White Ghost' ('Grey Ghost')
Euphorbia lactea 'White (or Grey) Ghost' is ca. 40 cm tall and comes in a ø 21 cm pot.