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Goeppertia (Calathea) rufibarba 'Blue Grass' houseplant
  • Goeppertia (Calathea) rufibarba 'Blue Grass' is a cultivar of Goeppertia rufibarba (Fenzl) Borchs. & S.Suárez. It is a decorative, clump-forming plant.  'Bluegrass' is one of the most tactile of houseplants commonly known as the 'Furry Feather' or 'Velvet Calathea' due to the tiny hairs that cover its waxy leaves and stems, the leaves do really feel like the softest velvet. Calathea Rufibarba is a tall Calathea variety with green red stems and vivid blue-green, elongated leaves.


    Genus name ; 'Goeppertia'  is in honor of the German botanist Heinrich Göppert, and was first described in 1831.



    Goeppertia (Calathea) rufibarba 'Blue Grass'

    • Goeppertia (Calathea) rufibarba 'Blue Grass' is ca. 65cm tall and comes in a ⌀17cm pot.

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