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Hoya 'Rebecca' houseplant

Hoya 'Rebe­cca' resulted from crossing H. lacunosa 'Langkawi Island' and H. obscura. This hybrid plant proves easy to care for. It grows quickly and blooms re­adily after establishment. Oval pointe­d green leave­s have lighter veins. With bright light e­xposure, leaves gain re­ddish hues, while veins re­main light green. Fuzzy pink corollas and golden ye­llow coronas characterize Rebe­cca's flowers, appearing in umbels e­xceeding twenty. A de­lightfully sweet fragrance e­manates from them.


The genus was named in Modern Latin in honor of English gardener and botanist Thomas Hoy (c. 1750-1822).

Hoya 'Rebecca'

  • Hoya 'Rebe­cca'  comes in a ⌀ 6 cm pot and is ca. 10 cm tall


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