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Hoya retusa houseplant

Hoya retusa Dalzell differs significantly from other hoyas in its leaf shape and its foliage resembles that of  a Rhipsalis.

H. retusa grows hanging epiphytically. The shoots are round and very thin. Young shoots are green in colour, sometimes spotted with purple. Older shoots are grey. Sparse hairs are only recognisable at the nodes.
The leaves are very thin, almost like spider legs and light green in colour. They are approx. 6 cm long and only 2 mm wide. They have a pale green colour. They are bent downwards at the outer edge.

The flowers can be compared with the flowers of H. pauciflora, to which it is related. When an umbel appears, it has only 2 to 3 single flowers. The flowers on H. retusa are always solitary. The corolla is spread out in a star shape. It has a diameter of 1.5 cm. The flower colour is white. The corolla tips are triangular, pointed and velvety hairy. The secondary corolla has a diameter of 5 mm. It flowers pink to dark purple.

The genus was named in Modern Latin in honor of English gardener and botanist Thomas Hoy (c. 1750-1822).

Hoya retusa

  • Hoya retusa comes in a ⌀ 6 cm pot and is ca. 10 cm tall

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