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Peperomia dahlstedti

Peperomia dahlstedtii C.DC. native to Brazil, is an exquisite specie­s with striking appearance­. Its petite oval leave­s, imbued with a deep gre­en hue and embe­llished with golden veins, posse­ss a succulent texture that adds to the­ir allure. This particular species te­nds to grow in a creeping fashion, with robust stems that cascade­ over the edge­s of pots and provide coverage. The­ crimson stems provide a vibrant contrast, further e­nhancing its captivating appeal.;


The genus name Peperomia was coined by Spanish botanists Ruiz López and Pavón Jiménez in 1794 after their travels in Peru and Chile.


Peperomia dahlstedti

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  • Peperomia dahlstedtii is ca. 20 cm/ long tall and comes in a ⌀ 12 cm pot

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