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Aglaonema 'Bit Kisses'

Aglaonema 'Bit Kisses' – Essential Information and Plant Care Tips:


Aglaonema 'Bit Kisses' is a stunning new hybrid from the Aglaonema genus, part of the Araceae family. Originally hailing from the tropical regions of Southeast Asia, these plants are known for thriving in shady, moisture-rich environments. 'Bit Kisses' stands out with its highly distinctive, narrow foliage that features a striking blend of dark green leaves adorned with pale pink spots and cream-colored stripes. This plant’s unique marbled pattern and compact size make it an attractive option for plant enthusiasts seeking something both exotic and manageable.

The Aglaonema 'Bit Kisses' is as practical as it is visually appealing, known for being a relatively easy plant to care for. With a natural preference for indirect light, this hybrid will flourish in lightly shaded to semi-shaded environments. Let’s take a closer look at how you can help your Aglaonema thrive:


  • Light Requirements: Aglaonema 'Bit Kisses' prefers indirect light and can tolerate lower light conditions. Too much direct sunlight can scorch its delicate leaves, so positioning it in a lightly shaded or semi-shaded spot is ideal. Avoid placing the plant in bright, direct sunlight to protect its foliage from burn marks.


  • Watering: Watering should be regular but moderate. Always allow the top layer of soil to dry out before watering again to avoid waterlogging or root rot. This plant is sensitive to overwatering, so it's essential to strike the right balance between keeping the soil moist and avoiding standing water.


  • Humidity: Though Aglaonema 'Bit Kisses' appreciates higher humidity levels, it can adapt to less humid indoor conditions. However, for optimal growth, try to maintain a slightly more humid environment around the plant.


  • Temperature: These plants thrive in warm indoor temperatures, ideally between 18-24°C. Avoid cold drafts and sudden temperature drops as they can stress the plant.



Aglaonema 'Bit Kisses' Plant Features:
Aglaonema 'Bit Kisses' is renowned for its unique physical characteristics that set it apart from other varieties. The plant’s narrow, elongated leaves boast a deep green base, enhanced by pale pink spots and elegant cream-colored midribs. These vibrant leaves can reach up to 60-90 cm in height, giving the plant a compact yet dynamic presence in any indoor setting.


  • Growth Pattern: This slow-growing plant is ideal for smaller spaces or as part of a larger plant collection. While it won’t grow rapidly, its compact stature ensures it stays manageable over time.


  • Leaf Texture and Color: The foliage is smooth to the touch, with its signature marbled appearance making each leaf unique. The combination of dark green and soft pink tones creates an eye-catching display that can complement various interior aesthetics.



Care Guide for Aglaonema 'Bit Kisses':
To keep your Aglaonema 'Bit Kisses' looking its best, follow these simple care tips:


  • Place the plant in an area with bright, indirect light or partial shade.
  • Water when the top layer of the soil has dried, ensuring the plant never sits in excess water.
  • Use well-draining potting soil to support the root system.
  • Maintain humidity, but don’t worry if the air is slightly drier – this plant can adapt.
  • Keep temperatures between 18-24°C, avoiding cold drafts and sudden fluctuations.



Common Issues and Solutions for Aglaonema 'Bit Kisses':

Even though Aglaonema 'Bit Kisses' is relatively low-maintenance, there are some common issues that may arise:


  • Yellowing Leaves: This can be a sign of overwatering. Make sure to allow the topsoil to dry between watering sessions.


  • Browning Tips: This could indicate low humidity levels or inconsistent watering. Increase humidity or adjust your watering schedule as needed.


  • Pests (such as spider mites, mealybugs, or thrips): Regularly inspect the leaves and use an insecticidal soap or neem oil if necessary. Wipe the leaves down with a damp cloth to prevent infestations.



Additional Care Tips:

When caring for your Aglaonema 'Bit Kisses', consider its natural habitat. In the wild, these plants thrive in the shady undergrowth of Southeast Asian forests, where they enjoy consistent moisture and protection from direct sunlight. Mimicking these conditions in your home will encourage the plant to not only survive but also thrive.


  • Soil: Aglaonema prefers a well-draining potting mix. You can add perlite to improve soil drainage, preventing water retention that could lead to root rot.


  • Fertilization: Use a balanced liquid fertilizer monthly during the growing season. Make sure to dilute the fertilizer to half strength to avoid overfeeding.




The name Aglaonema derives from the Greek words 'aglaos,' meaning bright, and 'nema,' meaning thread, referring to the bright stamens in the plant's flowers. Though not typically grown for their blooms, the striking foliage of 'Bit Kisses' truly lives up to the plant's name.





  • How often should I water my Aglaonema 'Bit Kisses'?
    Water the plant once the top layer of soil feels dry. Always ensure that the soil is allowed to dry out slightly before watering again to prevent root rot.


  • Can Aglaonema 'Bit Kisses' survive in low light?
    Yes, this plant can tolerate low light conditions, but it will grow best in indirect, bright light or semi-shaded spots.


  • What should I do if my plant’s leaves start yellowing?
    Yellowing leaves are often a sign of overwatering. Make sure to let the soil dry out between waterings and ensure the pot has good drainage.


Enhance your indoor greenery with the unique and beautiful Aglaonema 'Bit Kisses'. Order today and enjoy this exotic plant’s easy care and striking foliage in your space!

Aglaonema 'Bit Kisses'

VAT Included
  • Aglaonema 'Bit Kisses' is approximately 40 cm tall and comes in a ⌀ 12 cm pot.


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