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Asplenium nidus variegata

A gorgeous and very unusual, easy to care for variegated plant, Asplenium nidus variegata (variegated variety of Asplenium nidus L.) is an evergreen fern, epiphyte or occasional lithophyte, forming large clumps up to 2 m diameter. Rhizomes erect, fronds tufted. Lamina very shiny with black midrib (fide Verdcourt), coriaceous, narrowly elliptic. Variegation shows as white; 'stripes' on the leaf blades.


The genus name Asplenium comes form Latin asplēnum, form Greek asplēnon spleenwort, form a- not + splēn spleen (form its reputed medicinal properties).

Asplenium nidus variegata

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