Philodendron luxurians Croat, D. P.Hannon & R. Kaufmann is a recently described Philodendron characterized by its terrestrial habit and repent-creeping stem. Petioles are subterete, leaves are erect to spreading. Leaf blades are ovate-cordate,dark green, matte and velvety above,conspicuously paler and faintly reddish pink, semi glossy below, with the 1st and 2nd pair of basal veins free to the base and conspicuous cross-veins with the appearance of crazed glass.
The species epithet “luxurians” comesform Latin (luxus, luxuriosus), meaning extravagant, luxuriant, profuse, excessive, orimmoderate, and refers to the remarkably attractive velvety leaf blades of this new species.
This plant a challenge to grow satisfactorily for longer periods in home conditions. Fairly susceptible to mite infestations if kept warm and dry; under which conditions it will promptly die anyway. It requires very high relative humidity to thrive.
form the Modern Latin genus name Philodendron (Schott, 1830), form Greek philodendron, neuter of philodendrons "loving trees," form philo- "loving" (see philo-) + dendron "tree" (form PIE *der-drew-, form root *deru- "to be firm, solid, steadfast," also forming words for "wood, tree"). The plant so called because it clings to trees.
Philodendron luxurians
Philodendron luxurians comes in a 14cm pot and is ca. 25 cm tall