Polystichum luctuosum (Kunze) T.Moore, commonly called Korean rock fern or Tsushima holly fern, is a small, clump-forming, tufted, evergreen to semi-evergreen fern that is native to slopes, rocky forest areas and stream banks in China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and Thailand. Lance-shaped, finely-divided, bi-pinnate, glossy, dark green fronds with black veins grow in shuttle-cock like rosettes to 35 cm tall and as wide. Each frond tapers to a narrow pointed tip and features 15-20 pair of narrow-ovate to oblong-ovate, spiny-toothed pinnae.
RHS Award of Garden Merit in 1997.
Synonymous with and formerly known as Aspidium tsus-simense and Polystichum tsus-simense.
Genus name comes from the Greek words polys meaning many and stichos meaning in a row in reference to its spore cases being in rows.
Polystichum luctuosum
Polystichum luctuosum is ca. 12 cm tall and comes in a 6 cm pot