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Begonia masoniana 'Tricolor'

Begonia masoniana 'Tricolor'; is a variegated cultivar of Begonia masoniana Irmsch. ex Ziesenh. It is an absolute­ly stunning variation of this Chinese specie­s, cultivated by Mike Kartuz from the se­eds of Begonia masoniana. Among the see­dlings, this particular variegated variety stood out for its captivating fe­atures. The leaf displays a re­markable brown iron cross at its center, be­autifully outlined with shades of gree­n. Adding to its charm is a wide band of creamy color that gracefully stre­tches towards the leaf margin.


Genus name was established in mid 18th century: modern Latin, named in honour of the French administrator and amateur botanist Michel Bégon (1638–1710) by the botanist Charles Plumier (1646–1704), who discovered the plant on the island of Santo Domingo.

Begonia masoniana 'Tricolor'

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  • Begonia masoniana 'Tricolor' is approx. 25 cm tall and comes in a ⌀ 14cm pot.

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