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Hoya kerrii 'Splash'  variegated houseplant
  • Hoya kerrii Craib; is a robust climbing plant with curious, thick succulent, leathery leaves in form of an inverted heart and peculiar small globe-shaped flowers, cream-white with rose-purple corona-lobes, in summer. It is a fast grower and can be trained into topiary. Hoya kerrii is named Sweetheart Plant or Sweetheart Hoya because of the heart or valentine shaped leaves. Hoya kerrii 'Splash' is a variegated form which shows;irregularly distributed white dots and splashes.


    The genus was named in Modern Latin in honor of English gardener and botanist Thomas Hoy (c. 1750-1822).

    Hoya kerrii 'Splash'

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    • Hoya kerrii 'Splash'; comes in a ⌀ 6 cm pot and is ca. 10 cm tall

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