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Asplenium antiquum
  • Asplenium antiquum Makino is a slow-growing, epiphytic fern of the spleenwort family noted for foliage with very attractive wavy margins. It features simple, entire, strap-shaped, glossy, bright apple green fronds with contrasting dark brown to black midribs and undulating margins. Fronds spread upward and outward to form a vase-shaped, green rosette with a nest-like center  into which fallen leaves and other organic matter typically accumulate.  Undersides often display sori (clusters of sporangia) arranged in herringbone fashion in straight black lines from the central mid-rib to the frond margin.


    The genus name Asplenium comes form Latin asplēnum, form Greek asplēnon spleenwort, form a- not + splēn spleen (form its reputed medicinal properties).

    Asplenium antiquum

    • Asplenium antiquum comes in following sizes:

      S - is ca. 25cm tall/ long and comes in a 12 cm pot

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