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Goeppertia (Calathea) lancifolia 'Insigne'
  • Goeppertia (Calathea) lancifolia 'Insigne' is a cultivar of  Goeppertia lancifolia (Boom) Borchs. & S.Suárez It is a herbaceous perennial evergreen, native to Brazilian rainforests, with striking foliage and showy yellow flowers.  The leaves, in particular, provide winter interest with wavy margins, purple undersides, and an alternating pattern of small and large green ellipses. The plant form is fountain-like with a spreading habit. The markings on each leaf resemble the markings found on some rattlesnakes, hence the common name for this plant.


    Genus name ; 'Goeppertia'  is in honor of the German botanist Heinrich Göppert, and was first described in 1831.

    Goeppertia (Calathea) lancifolia 'Insigne'

    • Goeppertia (Calathea) lancifolia 'Insigne' comes in following sizes:

      S - is ca. 50cm high, and comes in a ⌀14cm pot.

      M - is ca. 65cm high, and comes in a ⌀17cm pot.

      L - is ca. 70cm high, and comes in a ⌀27cm pot.


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