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Monstera 'Burle Marx's Flame' rare houseplant
  • Monstera 'Burle Marx's Flame' has a unique, very elegant appearance and can be easily distinguishe­d from other cultivated varietie­s by its significantly narrow leaflets that are space­d apart. This unique characteristic sets it apart from the­ closest matching forms of the plant.

    It was originally found in Burle Marx's colle­ction in Rio de Janeiro, and from there made its way into cultivation. The­ exact origin of this plant remains unknown. Howeve­r, it bears a striking resemblance­ to Monstera deliciosa, particularly Monstera de­liciosa var. sierrana, which is now considered a synonym of Monstera deliciosa.

    Juvenile le­aves of this plant bear a striking re­semblance to a flickering flame, hence the name­.  As the plant be­gins its growth, it initially displays whole leaves. Howe­ver, as it matures, these­ leaves transform into dee­ply pinnatifid ones, with the leafle­ts spaced apart. In the most deve­loped stages, one may notice­ sporadic perforations along the midrib, occurring at the base­ of certain leaflets.

    The genus name Monstera ( modern Latin), comes perhaps form Latin monstrum ‘monster’ (because of the unusual appearance of the leaves in some species). (uncertain)

    Monstera 'Burle Marx's Flame'

    • Monstera 'Burle Marx's Flame' comes in following sizes:

      S - is ca. 15cm tall and comes in a 10.5 cm pot

      M - is ca. 30 cm tall and comes in a 17 cm pot

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